Świętokrzyska WK OHP  
ul. Wrzosowa 44  
25-211 Kielce  
tel./fax: (041) 200 17 50  
(041) 200 17 60  

Nadzór nad Ochotniczymi Hufcami Pracy  
sprawuje Minister Rodziny, Pracy i Polityki  

Aktualności Oferty pracy Jednostki ŚWK Kontakt Partnerzy Archiwum aktualności

The Provincial Headquarters of the Voluntary Labour Corps (VLC) (in polish Ochotnicze Hufce Pracy or OHP) located in the city of Kielce, is the National Treasury supported organization, the main aim of which is to create conditions for the proper social and professional development of youth, especially of those youth groups that have not been treated on the equal basis and those who originate from negligent social environments where the youth are endangered by the social exclusion.

The Kielce branch of the VLC structure includes various organizational units that realise tasks connected to caretaking, upbringing and education. We offer three units that provide free board and accommodation and 24/7 counselling aid. Below there are listed the aforementioned centres:

  • The Social Labour Corps in Jędrzejów, which ensures its members comfortable accommodation; the centre also runs its own social common room,
  • The Training and Upbringing Centre located in Starachowice,
  • The Labour Corps in Pińczów.

Moreover, in the Świętokrzyskie Province with the city of Kielce as its capital there are 3 Part Time Voluntary Labour Corps (located in Kielce, Końskie, and Skarżysko-Kamienna), which do not currently offer accommodation.

Youth between 15 and 18 years of age are offered the possibility to gain general and professional education, and are offered to take up the possibility to gain an occupation which is attractive especially on the local job market. All of the counsellors organize interesting workshops that offer youth the possibility to develop their interests and abilities. They realise various authorship programmes which are matched to suit our wards’ needs. Over 1100 one thousand one hundred individuals take advantage of our educational and counselling help every year.

Our second main scope of activity is the job market. The Education and Professional Training Centre have been established in order to aid this cause. The aforementioned institution realises the tasks connected to the active unemployment combating.

The Education and Professional Training Centre applies various tools in the process of its activity:

  • The Youth Professional Information Centre in Kielce. Our professional counsellors travel by a characteristic bus to schools located in the smallest villages of our Province,
  • Work Clubs located in Kielce and Mniów realise tasks connected to counselling of unemployed youth and youth still in the process of their education achievement,
  • The Youth Career Centres located in Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski, Busko – Zdrój and Jędrzejów, Starachowice, which has been designed to promote and develop entrepreneurship behaviours among the youth,
  • The Youth Job Centre in Kielce and its Busko-Zdrój branch, the main task of which is to obtain job offers that should be interesting from the youth point of view.

The Provincial Headquarters of the Voluntary Labour Corps (VLC), located in the city of Kielce, also accepts applications for signing of contracts connected to the reimbursement of the youth’s salaries to be obtained from the National Work Fund.

The third extremely important scope of our activity is the process of realization of various projects that are co-financed by the European Social Fund. We realise comprehensive aid projects helping the troubled youth, with previous educational failures, endangered by social marginalization and exclusion. We also offer the possibility to finish various professional, language, computer or driving license courses.

The Provincial Headquarters of the Voluntary Labour Corps (VLC) Headquarters:

Wrzosowa Street No. 44
25-211 Kielce
tel.: (041) 200 17 50
fax: (041) 200 17 60

Hope to see You soon!

Informacje o ŚWK OHP
  Wojewódzka Komenda OHP
  Absolwenci OHP
  Projekty EFS
  Kursy i szkolenia
  Praca w ŚWK OHP
  Komenda Główna OHP
  Rada Programowa
  Wojewódzka Rada Młodzieży
Ministerstwa Rządu RP
  Ministerstwo Edukacji Narodowej
  Ministerstwo Rodziny, Pracy i Polityki Społecznej
  Ministerstwo Rozwoju
